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The Board comprises

Currently the Board consists of eight members, including two executive directors, two non-executive directors and five independent non-executive directors. The Board comprises the following directors:

Executive Director

Wang Xu ( Chairman of the board, chairman of Strategic Investment and Risk Control Committee and Nomination Committee,member of Remuneration Committee)


Mr.Wang Xu( 王旭先生),49 aged, joined Dongfang Electric Corporation (“Dongfang Electric”) in 1995and is currently an employee director of Dongfang Electric. Previously, he served as the headof the party-masses work department of Dongfang Electric and the head of the corporateculture department of Dongfang Electric Corporation Limited, the deputy secretary of theparty committee and the secretary of the discipline inspection committee of DongfangElectric Wind Power Co., Ltd. and the manager of the Coil Branch Factory of DongfangElectric, as well as the secretary of the joint party branch of the production managementdepartment and the warehouse management center of DongFang Electric MachineryCorporation Limited, and deputy head of the production management department ofDongFang Electric Machinery Corporation Limited. Mr. Wang has extensive experience inproduction management and enterprise management. Mr. Wang received his Bachelor'sdegree in Engineering from Chongqing University in 1995. Mr. Wang is currently thesecretary of the party committee of Honghua (China) Investment Co., Ltd.(宏華(中國)投資有限公司), a subsidiary of the Company.


Zhu Hua (member of Strategic Investment and Risk Control Committee and the Executive Vice President)


Mr. Zhu Hua (朱骅先生), aged 39, joined the DEC in 2009 and once served as a director, general manager and party secretary of MHI Power Dongfang Boiler Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of DEC. He once served as the deputy director of the boiler technology department, the deputy director of the product project management department, the director of the marketing center and the director of the thermal power marketing department of Dongfang Boiler Co., Ltd. Mr. Zhu has extensive experience in technology and corporate management. Mr. Zhu obtained a bachelor's degree in thermal and power engineering from Zhejiang University in 2006, a master's degree in mechanical engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008, and a doctorate degree in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2020.


Non-Executive Director

Yang Yong (Non-Executive Director)

Mr. Yang Yong( 杨永先生), aged 49, joined the DEC in 1998, and served as the chairman and party secretary of DEC (Chengdu) Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology Co., Ltd., the vice president of Central Research Institute of DEC and Deputy General Manager of DEC Academy of Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Mr. Yang has extensive experience in corporate management. Mr. Yang obtained a bachelor's degree from the School of materials Science and Engineering of Xi'an University of Technology specializing in casting in 1998, and completed a doctoral program in management jointly organized by the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and the University of Lisbon, Portugal in 2012 where he obtained a doctorate in management. Mr. Yang has been appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of HongHua (China) Investment Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company.

Independent Non-Executive Director

Chen Guoming(member of Audit Committee)


Mr. Chen Guoming (陈国明先生), aged 60, has been an Independent Non-utive Director of the Company since 18 January 2008. He is now a Professor, a Ph.D. candidate supervisor, a member of the Academic Committee, the Chief officer of Research Centre of Security technique of the Offshore Oil & Gas Equipment, the Chief officer of Professor Committee in the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of  China University of Petroleum. Currently, Mr. Chen is the Chief officer of Shandong Key Laboratory of Petroleum Mechanical Engineering; a member of the Quality & Reliability Committee of China Petroleum Society, the Offshore Engineering Committee of China Naval Architects and Marine Engineers' Society and China Mechanical Engineering Society. He has been receiving special subsidies granted by the State Council of the PRC government ( 政府特殊津贴) since August 2005, for his significant contribution to the development of higher education in China, and was awarded the National Labor Day Medal in2007. In 1982, Mr. Chen graduated from the Mechanical Department of the East China Petroleum Institute with a Bachelor's Degree.  He earned his Master's degree in 1986 from the Beijing Graduate School of East China Petroleum Institute.  He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1999, and was promoted to Ph.D. candidate supervisor in 2000.


Su Mei(chairman of Remuneration Committee, member of Audit Committee)


Ms. Su Mei (苏梅女士), aged 54, has been the Independent Non-utive Director of the Company since March 2017. Ms. Su is currently the CEO of Beijing YaMeiHeZhong Consultanting Co., Ltd. Ms. Su once had leaderships in Discipline Inspection Commission of Sichuan province and Sichuan Development and Reform commission and State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of State Council, worked as the vice-president in Sichuan Provincial Investment Group, the chairman of Sichuan Chuantou Water Group and vice-president of Joneson Group. Ms. Su obtained Doctor’s degree in finance from Sichuan University in2013 , and obtained Bachelor’s degree of Chinese from Shandong University in 1991.


Chang Qing(member of Audit Committee and Strategic Investment , Risk Control Committee and Nomination Committee)


Mr. Chang Qing (常清先生), aged 66, has been an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company since 15 June 2017. Mr. Chang is currently the chairman of Jinpeng International Futures Co., Ltd., and a professor of China Agricultural University. Mr. Chang is now acting as an independent non-utive director of Kangda International Environmental Company Limited and China Chengtong Development Group Limited. He previously served as independent non-utive directors of Tibet Summit Resources Co., Ltd., TBEA Co., Ltd., Shenwu Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and Yuan LongPing High-Tech Agriculture Co., Ltd. respectively.  Mr. Chang graduated from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences with a doctorate degree in agricultural economics and management in 2001, graduated from Jilin University with both a master’s degree in national economics in 1985 and a bachelor’s degree in economics in 1982.


Wei Bin(chairman of Audit Committee, member of Remuneration Committee)


Mr. Wei Bin (魏斌先生), aged 53, has been an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company since 29 August 2019. Mr. Wei is currently the asset management senior partner of CDH Investments Management (Hong Kong) Limited and the Non-executive Director  of  OCI International Holdings Limited and ANE (Cayman) Inc.. Mr. Wei was the Chief Accountant, Chief Financial Officer of the China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited and the General Manager of the Finance Department. Mr. Wei holds a Bachelor’s degree in Auditing from Zhongnan University of Economics in China and a Master's degree in Finance from Jinan University in China, and is a Senior Accountant and a Senior Auditor in China. He is also a non-practicing member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.


Zhang Shiju(member of Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee)


Mr. Zhang Shiju (张士举先生) aged 45,has been an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company since 4 July 2022. Mr. Zhang  is currently a senior Counsel of AllBright Law Firm Shanghai Office. Mr. Zhang holds a master's degree in economic law from Nanjing University. He is an external expert of the Shanghai Technology Exchange Expert Think Tank, and a management consulting service expert of the Management Consulting Professional Committee of the China Enterprise Confederation. Mr. Zhang served as the Deputy Secretary-General of Shanghai Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Foundation, a co-tutor for graduate students of Tsinghua University and Shanghai Jiaotong University Law School, and an adjunct professor of Jilin University Business School. Mr. Zhang has extensive experience in legal services such as investment and mergers and acquisitions, IPO listing, corporate governance, and industrial funds.


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